Personal Still glancing back .. I have been thinking a lot about diasporas lately. What it means to live long term in a society outside the one you were raised in.
Writing In which I try to make 'fetch' happen I think anyone who has ever used Google Maps to get directions can see the potential pitfalls of letting AI tell you where you go for Sunday dinner or the best local dry cleaners - let alone anything of greater consequence.
Writing A blog by any other name ... I read so many Substacks, in fact, that it can take up my entire morning--reading my subscriptions on the app, then commenting, then noticing who has 're-stacked' one of my articles . . . Wait, what does this remind me of?
Writing Me and ChatGPT I'm over here like Violet Crawley looking through her fan at this horrible electric lighting.
Writing Tucker Observer: 'Cash is King' This shortage is an ongoing national problem, driving up housing costs for both buyers and renters across the country.
Writing Decatur's affordable housing dilemma I have an update on Decaturish this week about the city's stalled cottage court development.
Writing Please stop sharing garbage on Facebook Let's talk about real fake news. Not Donald Trump's fake news (a.k.a. news he doesn't like), but the fake news that is fiction--often crafted with malicious intent--disguised as fact.
Writing Endangered history in DeKalb Many black communities in DeKalb--some whose existence predates the county itself--are starting to take action to preserve historic places and knowledge that have gone unnoticed and neglected over time.